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October 21, 1986
Future diesel fuel quality
Report no. 86/71: CCMC is providing information regarding fuel quality requirements of diesel engines in relation engine design characteristics and to emission and noise control.
On the other hand,...
October 21, 1986
Health aspects of worker exposure to oil mists
Report no. 86/69: The current Threshc lue (TLV) for worker exposure to oil mist recommended by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) is an 8-hour time-weighted average...
October 13, 1986
US experience of hydrocarbon and NOx, emissions control
Report no. 86/70: This paper summarises the presentation given by Dr L.J. McCabe in October 1985 at the CONCAWE Seminar on "Atmospheric emissions and their effects on the environment in Europe with pa...
October 13, 1986
Measured data on NOx, emissions in European refineries
Report no. 6/86: Recent NO concentration measurements provided by CONCAWE member companies, confirm earlier estimates of oil refinery NOx emissions.
For 1985, emissions from refineries are calculat...
September 21, 1986
The relationship between automotive diesel fuel characteristics and engine performance
Report no. 86/65: This report discusses the influence of diesel fuel characteristics on emissions and performance, with particular emphasis on the effect of changing fuel properties on exhaust emissio...
July 13, 1986
Sulphur emissions from combustion of residual fuel oil based on EEC energy demand and supply 1980-2000
Report no. 5/86: An assessment has been made of the energy consumption and oil combustion related sulphur emissions in the period 1980-2000 for the EEC-I0 countries.
The possibility of further sulp...
July 13, 1986
Residue hydrodesulphurization investment and operating costs
Report no. 4/86: In view of the continuing interest in the costs of desulphuriration in connection with possible sulphur control strategies, CONCAWE has updated the costs of residue hydrodesulphurirst...
May 13, 1986
Volatile organic compound emissions: an inventory for Western Europe
Report no. 2/86: This report gives details of an inventory compiled by Concawe and covering man-made non-methane volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions in Western Europe.
The survey shows that t...
April 13, 1986
Proceedings of the Concawe seminar on atmospheric emissions and their effects on the environment in Europe with particular reference to the role of hydrocarbons
Report no. 86/61: Forest die-back on a large scale in Europe and North America has led to renewed investigations into the role of air pollution and its ecological impact.
Essential elements in the...
March 21, 1986
Review of European oil industry benzene exposure data
Report no. 3/86: This report summarises data on exposure to benzene during the manufacture end distribution of gasoline in Europe. Exposures in various types of jobs are reviewed against the 8-hourtim...
February 21, 1986
Effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on the nervous system
Report no. 86/51: Recently it has been claimed that long-term exposure to low levels of petroleum hydrocarbons may impair behaviour and memory.
This claim has led t o an appraisal of the effect of...
September 21, 1985
Workplace noise and hearing conservation
Report no. 7/85: Prolonged and repeated exposure to loud noise can cause permanent damage to hearing, resulting in noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).
In the work environment prevention of NIHL may...
September 13, 1984
Cost of control of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulates emissions from large combustion plants in oil refineries
Report no. 7/84: This report presents the results of a study on the cost of controlling emissions of SO, NOx and particulates from oil refineries by flue gas treatment.
Reductions of emissions have...
March 21, 1984
Effects of the introduction of unleaded gasolines on the gasoline storage/distribution system
Report no. 2/84: The report reviews the factors to be taken into consideration when assessing the effects of superimposing one, or two, unleaded gasoline grades on the existing leaded gasoline storage...
December 21, 1983
Assessment of the energy balances and economic consequences of the reduction and elimination of lead in gasoline
Report no. 11/83R: This report gives details of a study carried out at the request of the EEC working Group: Evolution of Regulations - Global Approach (ERGA). The study assesses the impact of reducin...
December 22, 1982
Methodologies for hazard analysis and risk assessment in the petroleum refining and storage industry
Report no. 10/82: The report provides readers both within and outside the petroleum industry with an overview or the methodologies already in use or being developed, to assist and supplement risk mana...
May 17, 1981
The propagation of noise from petroleum and petrochemical complexes to neighbouring communities
Report no. 4/81: In situations where limits are imposed on noise levels in communities near petroleum and petrochemical plant, it is often necessary to calculate environmental noise levels because no...
December 13, 1975
The identification and measurement of refinery odours
Report No. 8/75: This report, which quotes current European regulations on odours and systems adopted for receiving odour complaints from the general public, eumaxizes the types of compounds giving ri...
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