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Potential of exhaust after treatment and engine technologies to meet future emissions limits
September 21, 1999

Potential of exhaust after treatment and engine technologies to meet future emissions limits

Report no. 99/62: In view of the European Auto Oil Process (AO2) a CONCAWE study reviewed literature (up to 9/1998) and in-house information on improved exhaust after treatment and engine technologies...
European downstream oil industry safety performance statistical summary of reported incidents – 1998
July 21, 1999

European downstream oil industry safety performance statistical summary of reported incidents – 1998

Report no. 1/99: This report is the fifth by CONCAWE reviewing the safety performance of the downstream oil industry in Europe. The area of coverage is primarily the EU, EEA and Hungary, but for some...
Environmental levels of benzene at the boundaries of three European refineries
June 13, 1999

Environmental levels of benzene at the boundaries of three European refineries

Report no. 99/57: A year-long study of benzene-in-air concentrations at the boundaries of three refineries has been carried out.The sampling technique employed was passive diffusion tubes. Sampling lo...
Fuel quality, vehicle technology and their interactions
May 21, 1999

Fuel quality, vehicle technology and their interactions

Report no. 99/55: CONCAWE has studied the many aspects important when considering fuel quality. The report reviews the complex interactions between fuels, vehicle technology, test cycles and reference...
Оverview and critique of the air pollution and health: a European approach (APHEA) project
May 17, 1999

Оverview and critique of the air pollution and health: a European approach (APHEA) project

Report no. 99/54: The relationship between air pollution and adverse health outcomes is a subject of current concern in the area of environmental health. The Air Pollution and Health: a European Appro...
Best available techniques to reduce emissions from refineries
May 13, 1999

Best available techniques to reduce emissions from refineries

Report no. 99/01: BAT Reference documents (BREFs) are to be prepared by the European IPPC Bureau established at JRC/IPTS in Seville, and the Refinery BREF is scheduled for 1999. It is understood that...
CONCAWE Review – Spring 1999
April 23, 1999

CONCAWE Review – Spring 1999

Volume 8 • Number 1: Dear Reader, The past year has seen a dramatic fall in the price of crude oil, resulting in a number of high profile mergers, and further cost-cutting and staff reduction pr...
EU oil refining industry costs of changing gasoline and diesel fuel characteristics
April 21, 1999

EU oil refining industry costs of changing gasoline and diesel fuel characteristics

Report no. 99/56: This report presents the results of a study to assess the EU-15 refining industry implications of changing gasoline and diesel fuel characteristics, for the year 2005 onwards. The st...
Exposure profile: kerosines/jet fuels
April 21, 1999

Exposure profile: kerosines/jet fuels

Report no. 99/52: This report details the available exposure data for kerosines and jet fuels. It provides information on estimated release rates; measured human exposure data for occupationally expos...
EU oil refining industry costs of changing gasoline and diesel fuel characteristics
April 21, 1999

EU oil refining industry costs of changing gasoline and diesel fuel characteristics

Report no. 99/56: This report presents the results of a study to assess the EU-15 refining industry implications of changing gasoline and diesel fuel characteristics, for 2005 onwards. The study’s s...
Scientific basis for an air quality standard for nickel
April 17, 1999

Scientific basis for an air quality standard for nickel

Report no. 99/53: The health effects due to nickel exposure are reviewed in this document for the purposes of understanding the scientific basis for an Air Quality Standard (AQS). The report provides...
Assessing the monetary benefit of improving air quality
April 1, 1999

Assessing the monetary benefit of improving air quality

The European Commission and some Member States have recently carried out studies to estimate the monetary benefits of proposals to improve air quality and reduce adverse effects on the environment....
What will European air quality be like in the future?
April 1, 1999

What will European air quality be like in the future?

The community of official stakeholders (Commission personnel, Members of Parliament and Parliament Staff, Member State civil servants, academics, industry specialists and environmentalists alike) ar...
The Seveso 2 Directive
April 1, 1999

The Seveso 2 Directive

The subject of this report is the Council Directive on the Control of Major Accident Hazards involving dangerous substances, popularly known as the COMAH Directive or, alternatively, Seveso 2. This...
Developments related to the Existing Substances Regulation
April 1, 1999

Developments related to the Existing Substances Regulation

Council Regulation (EEC) 793/93 on the evaluation and control of the risks of existing substances, generally known as the ‘Existing Substances Regulation’ was adopted on 23 March 1993 and entere...
Best Available Techniques to reduce emissions from refineries
April 1, 1999

Best Available Techniques to reduce emissions from refineries

Over the past few years, European governments have progressively sought the application of Best Available Techniques (BAT) for the control of environmental emissions from a range of industrial sectors...
CONCAWE issues guidelines on gasoline volatility aspects for year 2000 EN 228 standard
April 1, 1999

CONCAWE issues guidelines on gasoline volatility aspects for year 2000 EN 228 standard

Gasoline volatility specifications are defined in volatility classes in the European Standard EN 228. CEN member countries have selected up to three volatility classes to satisfy the driveability re...
Energy use and CO2 emissions in refinery operations
April 1, 1999

Energy use and CO2 emissions in refinery operations

Increasing the complexity and severity of refinery operations to meet new product specifications, necessarily leads to an increase in energy use. This can be (partially) offset by improved energy e...
Proposal for revision of volatility classes in EN 228 specification in light of EU fuels directive
January 21, 1999

Proposal for revision of volatility classes in EN 228 specification in light of EU fuels directive

Report no. 99/51: CONCAWE has reviewed the current gasoline volatility specifications within EN228 relating to hot weather drive ability, i.e. RVP, E70 and Vapour Lock Index (VLI), in anticipation of...
The Seveso 2 directive and the oil industry
December 21, 1998

The Seveso 2 directive and the oil industry

Report no. 7/98: This report has been prepared in order to give guidance to the management of sites in the oil industry on the interpretation of the Seveso 2 (or COMAH) Directive. Emphasis has been pu...

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