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March 21, 1990
An assessment of occupational exposure to noise in western European oil refineries
Report no. 90/53: This report summarizes personal noise exposure measurements,collected for workers in Western European oil refineries.
The data are collated by different refinery process operation...

January 21, 1990
The effects of temperature and fuel volatility on vehicle evaporative emissions
Report no. 90/51: Matched pairs of European vehicles with and without carbon canister evaporative emission control systems have been tested to establish gasoline evaporative emissions, including runni...

December 21, 1989
A US perspective on hydrocarbon controls at service stations
Report no. 11/89: This paper was presented by Lee M. Thomas, Chairman and CEO of Law Environmental and former Administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), at the international worksh...

November 13, 1989
Costs to reduce the sulphur content of diesel fuel
Report no. 10/89: This study examines the consequences to refineries of making step-wise reductions in the sulphur content of diesel fuel from 0.26 to 0.05% wt. The EC-12's 95 refineries have been gro...

July 22, 1989
Emergency planning guidance note – marketing installation emergency planning
Report no. 7/89: This guidance note highlights aspects that need to be considered when developing emergency plans for oil marketing installations in order to protect life, the environment and property...

July 21, 1989
Economic consequences of limiting benzene/aromatics in gasoline
This report records the economic consequences to four different types of refineries in Europe if the benzene content of gasoline is required to be limited to 3% v01 or 1% vol. The consequences of also...

June 21, 1989
Review of the toxicity of catalytically cracked clarified oil
Report no. 89/56: The toxicology of catalytically cracked clarified oil (CCCO) is reviewed and safe handling procedures are described. There is evidence that CCCO may present a serious health hazard i...

March 21, 1989
A management guide to occupational health programmes in the oil industry
Report no. 89/52: This report, based on the experience of occupational health professionals in CONCAWE member companies, outlines management responsibilities and the scope, objectives and benefits of...

January 22, 1989
Managing safety
Report no. 4/89: Managing safety is an integral and essential part of the total management of a successful enterprise in the oil industry. Company safety policies set the objectives to achieve this, a...

January 22, 1989
Emergency planning – guidance notes
Report no. 2/89: These are two more guidance notes in the CONCAWE Emergency Response Planning series. The first note is on training, exercises and rehearsal of emergency plans. For an installation's e...

November 21, 1988
The control of vehicle evaporative and refuelling emissions – the “on-board” system
Report no. 88/62: In this research programme to further investigate "on-board"control of evaporative Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions from gasoline fuelled vehicles, an Opel Ascona and a Hond...

July 22, 1988
Emergency planning guidance notes – refinery emergency planning
Report no. 6/88: This is the sixth Guidance Note in the series being issued by CONCAWE on the general subject of major hazards with specific reference to implementation requirements of the Seveso Dire...

June 22, 1988
Emergency planning guidance notes – content of emergency plans – planning for mutual aid
Report no. 5/88: These are two of a series of Guidance Notes being issued by CONCAWE on the general subject of major hazards with specific reference to the implementation of the requirements of the Se...

March 13, 1988
Regenerative flue gas desulphurization in European oil refineries – cost estimates based on a European application
Report no. 3/88: The OMV refinery at Schwechat, Austria, commissioned in 1985 a Wellman-Lord regenerative flue gas desulphurization plant (FGD) to control emissions essentially from the power generati...

January 13, 1988
Capital and operating cost estimating aspects of environmental control technology – residue hydrodesulphurisation as a case example
Report no. 88/51: Capital and operating cost estimates require a defined data framework to allow comparative scrutiny and meaningful correlation to be made with other estimates for the same and altern...

November 22, 1987
Emergency planning guidance notes
Report no. 11/87: These are three of a series of Guidance Notes to be issued by CONCAWE on the general subject of major hazards with specific reference t o the implementation of the requirements of th...

November 21, 1987
Diesel fuel quality and its relationship with emissions from diesel engines
Report no. 10/87: CONCAWE predicts future (year 2000) diesel fuel properties to essentially in the range of 43 to 54 cetane number (median value: 48.5) and 0.825 to 0.870 density (median value: 0.846)...

September 21, 1987
An investigation into evaporative hydrocarbon emissions from European vehicles
Report no. 87/60: The report covers an experimental programme to determine evaporative hydrocarbon emission levels from a range of modern European cars, and the effects of various fuel and vehicle par...

September 13, 1987
Sulphur emissions from small stationary oil combustion plant and the availability of low sulphur fuel oil in the EEC
Report no. 87/61: This report deals with sulphur emissions from combustion plant of capacities less than 50 MW/h and the possible effect the implementation of the EEC Large Combustion Plant Directive...

September 13, 1987
Volatile organic compound emissions in western Europe: control options and their cost-effectiveness for gasoline vehicles, distribution and refining
Report no. 6/87: This report summarises the conclusions drawn by CONCAWE from its recent work on volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions in Western Europe.
The underlying data are published by CO...
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