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March 21, 2008
European downstream oil industry safety performanceStatistical summary of reported incidents – 2006
Report no. 2/08: The thirteenth such report by CONCAWE, this issue includes statistics on work-related personal injuries for the European downstream oil industry’s own employees as well as contracto...
February 13, 2008
Impact on the EU of SOx, NOx and primary PM2.5 emissions from shipping in the Mediterranean Sea: Summary of the findings of the Euro Delta Project
Report no. 1/08: This report discusses the outcome of modelling scenarios comparing the impact of emissions from ships in different areas of the Mediterranean with those from land-based emissions. The...
November 1, 2007
The compliance challenge from measuring PM10 concentrations
The First Air Quality Daughter Directive (1999/30/EC) establishes limit values for ambient concentrations of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter (PM10) and lea...
November 1, 2007
The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Regulation (E-PRTR) came into force on 24 February 2006, replacing the European Pollutant Emission Register (EPER) Decision....
November 1, 2007
The future composition of the EU road fuel pool
The transport sector in general, and particularly road transport, is the focus of much attention at the moment. Demand for mobility keeps increasing, driving up demand for both vehicles and fuels, whi...
October 23, 2007
CONCAWE Review – Autumn 2007
Volume 16 • Number 2: Environmental issues are, in many ways, at the heart of public concerns today. Quite naturally CONCAWE gets involved in these issues and brings its contribution in a variety of...
October 1, 2007
Assessing the environmental sensitivity of petrol filling station locations across Europe
In the context of the Groundwater Directive (2006/118/EC), the CONCAWE Soil & Groundwater Task Force commissioned the consultants, Arcadis Geraghty & Miller (Newmarket, UK) to assist in a stud...
July 21, 2007
Human exposure information for EU substance risk assessment of kerosine
Report no. 6/07: Information is presented on inhalation and dermal exposures to kerosine for workers in European manufacturing, distribution and aviation refuelling operations, for use in substance ri...
May 17, 2007
Report of a Workshop on Environment and Health: Air Quality Research Needs in the EU 7th Framework Programme of Research
An open international workshop was convened to debate research needs for the EU in the field of health effects of ambient air pollution in the wider context of environmental factors and public health....
May 1, 2007
New ship emissions inventory for the Mediterranean Sea
In order to provide an up-to-date ship emission inventory for the Mediterranean Sea, a study (further referred to as the ‘CONCAWE study’) was recently completed for CONCAWE by the environmental...
May 1, 2007
Water Environmental Quality Standards
In July 2006, the EU Commission published a proposal for a Directive on Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) as required under article 16 of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD).
May 1, 2007
Switching world shipping to marine diesel?
In 2006, CONCAWE published the results of a techno-economic study analysing the impact of the reduction of the sulphur content of residual marine fuels (RMF) in Europe (CONCAWE report 2/06).
The st...
May 1, 2007
The authorisation of substances under REACH
The main elements of the REACH regulation (EU Official Journal L396, Vol 49, 30.12.2006) which enters into force on 1 June 2007, are the registration, evaluation, restriction and authorisation of c...
May 1, 2007
Human biomonitoring
It has long been known that certain chemicals are toxic to humans. Obviously they can only exert this toxic effect insofar as they are absorbed in the body.
Scientific advances have made it poss...
April 23, 2007
CONCAWE Review – Spring 2007
Volume 16 • Number 1: At the beginning of 2007, the EU Commission launched a series of proposals that will have a profound impact on our industry and on European society in general....
March 13, 2007
Sulphur dioxide emissions from oil refineries and combustion of oil products in Western Europe and Hungary (2002)
Report no. 2/07: This report examines the sulphur balances of European oil refineries and the sulphur contents of oil products based on a CONCAWE survey of 2002 actual data. Comparisons are made with...
January 21, 2007
Oil Refining in the EU in 2015
Report no. 1/07: In the next decade, the EU refining industry will be facing significant changes in demand both in absolute terms and with regard to the relative calls for its main products. Notably,...
December 22, 2006
European downstream oil industry safety performanceStatistical summary of reported incidents – 2005
Report no. 7/06: The twelfth such report by CONCAWE, this issue includes statistics on work-related personal injuries for the European downstream oil industry’s own employees as well as contractors...
November 1, 2006
The Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution— under the microscope
The European Commission adopted its ‘Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution’ (TSAP) in September 2005. This was the culmination of more than three years’ work undertaken in the Clean Air For Euro...
November 1, 2006
Evaluation of health impacts in an environmental cost benefit analysis
In CONCAWE Review Vol. 14 No. 2, Autumn 2004, a general introduction was given to the cost benefit analysis methodology (CBA) in which the net economic cost of certain decisions is evaluated by exp...
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