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Sulphur dioxide emissions from oil refineries and combustion of oil products in western Europe and Hungary (1998)
December 13, 2002

Sulphur dioxide emissions from oil refineries and combustion of oil products in western Europe and Hungary (1998)

Report no. 10/02: This report examines the sulphur balances of European oil refineries and the sulphur contents of oil products based on a CONCAWE survey of 1998 actual data.Comparisons are made with...
CONCAWE Review – Autumn 2002
October 23, 2002

CONCAWE Review – Autumn 2002

Volume 11 • Number 2: Those old enough to remember the ’70s may have a sense of déjà vu as energy conservation appears once more at the forefront. Today, however, in addition to depletion of nat...
Refinery sulphur emission reductions reflect the different regional needs
October 1, 2002

Refinery sulphur emission reductions reflect the different regional needs

Since the late ’70s, CONCAWE has conducted three yearly surveys of its Member Companies to provide detailed data on sulphur in crude oil and petroleum products, and sulphur emissions to air. The mos...
Downstream oil industry safety statistics
October 1, 2002

Downstream oil industry safety statistics

CONCAWE has now been collecting data on the safety performance of the downstream oil industry in Europe for eight years. A complete report for the year 2000 will be published shortly. For that pe...
6th CONCAWE pipeline seminar
October 1, 2002

6th CONCAWE pipeline seminar

In April 2002, CONCAWE hosted its 6th Oil Pipeline Operators Experience Exchange seminar ‘COPEX 2002’ in Brussels. The event, which is held approximately every four years, attracted an enthusiasti...
October 1, 2002


AIRNET is the acronym for the Thematic Network on Air Pollution and Health. The Network has been funded by the Commission’s DG Research to help with the interpretation of results of European r...
Future road transport and associated fuels
October 1, 2002

Future road transport and associated fuels

Over the past year, many new initiatives have been launched in the area of sustainable transport. The EU Commission’s ‘White Paper’ on European Transport Policy was issued in 2001, followed b...
The focus on aromatics in automotive fuels specifications
October 1, 2002

The focus on aromatics in automotive fuels specifications

Over the years, and particularly in the past decade, European motor fuel specifications have changed dramatically. This has followed a general trend, supported mainly by concerns about the effect o...
Аssessment of personal inhalation exposure to bitumen fumeguidance for monitoring benzenesoluble inhalable particulate matter
September 17, 2002

Аssessment of personal inhalation exposure to bitumen fumeguidance for monitoring benzenesoluble inhalable particulate matter

Report no. 7/02: This report discusses practical issues in relation to the assessment of occupational exposure to bitumen fume as benzene-soluble inhalable particulate matter. A detailed sampling a...
Amended safety data sheet directive (2001/58/EC)
June 21, 2002

Amended safety data sheet directive (2001/58/EC)

Report no. 5/02: This report outlines the requirements of the amended EU Safety Data SheetDirective and reviews the implications for the oil industry. A copy of the amended Safety Data Sheet Directive...
CONCAWE Review – Spring 2002
April 23, 2002

CONCAWE Review – Spring 2002

Volume 11 • Number 1: The CONCAWE Review has now been published for 10 years. While content is what really matters and gets all our attention, we are aware that presentation plays its role, hence th...
Energy and greenhouse gas balance of biofuels for Europe – an update
April 21, 2002

Energy and greenhouse gas balance of biofuels for Europe – an update

Report no. 2/02: Recent literature publications have been used to estimate the energy and greenhouse gas balance of the most relevant biofuels in Europe, i.e. ethanol and Rapeseed Methyl Ester (RME)....
SO2 emissions from ships in Europe
April 1, 2002

SO2 emissions from ships in Europe

In response to concerns over the contribution of international shipping to air pollution, during the 1990s, the International Maritime Organization of the United Nations developed an annex to the MARP...
The refinery BAT reference document
April 1, 2002

The refinery BAT reference document

The Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive, adopted in September 1996, requires Member States to issue permits for major industrial installations (such as oil refineries) to p...
Western European oil pipelines
April 1, 2002

Western European oil pipelines

The integrity and reliability of cross-country oil pipelines is vital to the European economy. One quarter of Europe’s refineries are situated inland and depend entirely on pipelines for their cr...
Non-road diesel
April 1, 2002

Non-road diesel

The draft 2005 Fuels Directive, proposed by the European Commission in May 2001 (updating 98/70/EC), included a consolidation of the requirements for non-road diesel, but did not impose any more st...
Emissions from modern diesel engines
April 1, 2002

Emissions from modern diesel engines

The European Commission’s proposed update of Fuels Directive 98/70/EC includes the gradual introduction of sulphur-free fuels from 2005 to enable the use of advanced exhaust after treatment technolo...
April 1, 2002


Biofuels can, in principle, provide a renewable source of energy and, by displacing fossil fuels, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere. However, the biofuels production process i...
Evaluation of diesel fuel cetane and aromatics effects on emissions from Euro 3 engines
March 21, 2002

Evaluation of diesel fuel cetane and aromatics effects on emissions from Euro 3 engines

Report no. 4/02: Following EPEFE, the influence of two important diesel fuel quality parameters one missions remained under debate. These were the difference (if any) between natural and additive-deri...
An assessment of occupational exposure to noise in the European oil industry (1989-1999)
November 17, 2001

An assessment of occupational exposure to noise in the European oil industry (1989-1999)

Report no. 01/56: Daily personal noise exposure data available from member companies for European oil industry work environments (refinery, product distribution and others) were collected and analysed...

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