13 Dec 2002

Sulphur dioxide emissions from oil refineries and combustion of oil products in western Europe and Hungary (1998)

Report no. 10/02: This report examines the sulphur balances of European oil refineries and the sulphur contents of oil products based on a CONCAWE survey of 1998 actual data.Comparisons are made with data from the previous CONCAWE surveys of 199 2and 1995. The distribution of sulphur content between the major oil products groups is highlighted to allow assessment of the impact of regulatory sulphur reduction measures.

Confirming the trend observed since 1992, there is a continuous significant decrease in the sulphur content of petroleum fuels and with a corresponding increase in the quantity of sulphur recovered by refineries. To provide further continuity with the previous reports, some data are broken down to show the situation in four different European regions.

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