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Catalyst handling procedures to minimize exposures
June 21, 1995

Catalyst handling procedures to minimize exposures

Report no. 95/57: This report outlines a generalized approach to reducing worker exposure to solid and liquid catalysts during refinery catalyst handling activities such as reactor loading, unloading...
The influence of heavy gasoline components on the exhaust emissions of catalyst equipped European vehicles. Part 2 – unregulated emissions
May 21, 1995

The influence of heavy gasoline components on the exhaust emissions of catalyst equipped European vehicles. Part 2 – unregulated emissions

Report no. 95/53: This report extends the investigation published as CONCAWE Report No. 94/59, which studied the influence of gasoline back-end volatility and composition on regulated emissions. This...
VOC emissions from external floating roof tanks: comparison of remote measurements by laser with calculation methods
January 13, 1995

VOC emissions from external floating roof tanks: comparison of remote measurements by laser with calculation methods

Report no. 95/52: Hydrocarbon emissions from storage tanks are normally calculated using procedures published by the American Petroleum Institute. A laser-based technique has been used to measure remo...
The influence of heavy gasoline components on the exhaust emissions of European vehicles. Part 1 – regulated emissions
December 21, 1994

The influence of heavy gasoline components on the exhaust emissions of European vehicles. Part 1 – regulated emissions

Report no. 94/59: Ten European vehicles, meeting the requirements of the EU 'Consolidated Emissions Directive', have been tested on a matrix of seven gasolines over the current ECE+EUDC test cycle. Th...
The effect of diesel fuel properties on exhaust emissions from oxidation catalyst equipped diesel passenger vehicles. Part 2
December 21, 1994

The effect of diesel fuel properties on exhaust emissions from oxidation catalyst equipped diesel passenger vehicles. Part 2

Report no. 94/56: This report further evaluates the study reported in CONCAWE Report No. 94/55 and documents the ability of oxidation catalyst technology to reduce the influence of diesel fuel propert...
Review of European oil industry benzene exposure data (1986 – 1992)
November 21, 1994

Review of European oil industry benzene exposure data (1986 – 1992)

Report no. 7/94: This report summarizes over 2,000 occupational exposure data on benzene,measured in the period 1986-1992. Exposures for the various types of jobs are reviewed against a number of time...
Diesel fuel emissions performance with oxidation catalyst equipped diesel passenger vehicles – Part I
September 21, 1994

Diesel fuel emissions performance with oxidation catalyst equipped diesel passenger vehicles – Part I

Report no. 94/55: This study confirms the very effective control of diesel exhaust particulate, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions with oxidation catalyst technology. In addition, the investiga...
A review of analytical methods for the quantification of aromatics in diesel fuels
August 21, 1994

A review of analytical methods for the quantification of aromatics in diesel fuels

Report no. 94/58: The definition of "aromatics" in diesel fuel has caused difficulties, both within the oil industry and amongst other interested parties. By virtue of the boiling range of the fuel, t...
A preliminary study of ambient air concentrations of benzene around service stations and distribution terminals in Europe
August 21, 1994

A preliminary study of ambient air concentrations of benzene around service stations and distribution terminals in Europe

Report no. 94/53: CONCAWE initiated a programme to measure the ambient air concentrations of benzene in the vicinity of a number of gasoline stations and distribution terminals in Europe. The steps in...
The contribution of sulphur dioxide emissions from ships to coastal deposition and air quality in the channel and southern north sea area
June 13, 1994

The contribution of sulphur dioxide emissions from ships to coastal deposition and air quality in the channel and southern north sea area

Report no. 2/94: The purpose of this report is to present a detailed analysis of the impact of sulphur emissions from ships within the heavily trafficked southern North Sea and Channel as a contributi...
The use of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) extract by the IP 346 method as an indicator of the carcinogenicity of lubricant base oils and distillate aromatic extracts
February 21, 1994

The use of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) extract by the IP 346 method as an indicator of the carcinogenicity of lubricant base oils and distillate aromatic extracts

Report no. 94/51: Untreated lubricant base oils have been associated in the past with the development of human skin cancer to give a better understanding of these health effects, industry has conducte...
The effect of gasoline voatility on vehicle exhaust emissions at low ambient temperatures
February 21, 1993

The effect of gasoline voatility on vehicle exhaust emissions at low ambient temperatures

Report no. 93/51: Eight European vehicles, four of which were equipped with 3-way catalysts,have been tested on two gasoliries with significantly different front-end midrange volatilities. The investi...
Ecotoxicological testing of petroleum products: test methodology
January 21, 1993

Ecotoxicological testing of petroleum products: test methodology

Report no. 92/56: This report reviews the applicability of standard ecotoxicological tests for petroleum products and provides guidance on the choice of appropriate methodology....
Diesel fuel aromatic content and its relationship with emissions from diesel engines
June 21, 1992

Diesel fuel aromatic content and its relationship with emissions from diesel engines

Report no. 92/54: This report provides the results of a research programme designed to investigate the influence of diesel fuel aromatic content arid cetane number on diesel engine exhaust emissions....
VOC running losses from canister equipped vehicles
June 21, 1992

VOC running losses from canister equipped vehicles

Report no. 92/53: Six European vehicles fitted with carbon canisters have been tested under severe conditions to establish if evaporative losses of volatile organic compounds occur under European driv...
The chemical composition of diesel particulate emissions
January 21, 1992

The chemical composition of diesel particulate emissions

Report no. 92/51: In July 1990 CONCAWE published a report on the influence of diesel fuel sulphur content on particulate emissions. The chemical analysis procedures employed in that programme for the...
Review of chemical and UV light induced melanomas in experimental animals in relation to human melanoma incidence
January 21, 1991

Review of chemical and UV light induced melanomas in experimental animals in relation to human melanoma incidence

Report no. 91/52: Animal data relating to melanoma induction by polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons (PAHs) were examined for evidence on the likelihood of PAH exposure being responsible for the increase i...
Factors affecting the skin penetration and carcinogenic potency of petroleum products containing polycyclic aromatic compounds
November 21, 1990

Factors affecting the skin penetration and carcinogenic potency of petroleum products containing polycyclic aromatic compounds

Report no. 90/55: A review is made of the Factors which affects the skin penetration of petroleum products containing polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC). The bioavailability of petroleum products...
The sulphur content of diesel fuel and its relationship with particulate emissions from diesel engines
July 21, 1990

The sulphur content of diesel fuel and its relationship with particulate emissions from diesel engines

Report no. 90/54: This report gives the results of a research programme to investigate the influence of diesel fuel sulphur content on diesel engine exhaust particulate emissions. A representative ran...
Closing the gasoline system – control of gasoline emissions from the distribution system and vehicles
April 13, 1990

Closing the gasoline system – control of gasoline emissions from the distribution system and vehicles

Report no. 3/90: This report shows that a series of measures effectively closing up the gasoline system of distribution and use in motor vehicles is the preferred strategy to control gasoline emission...

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