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Motor vehicle emission regulations and fuel specifications – part 2 historic review (1996 – 2005)
October 21, 2006

Motor vehicle emission regulations and fuel specifications – part 2 historic review (1996 – 2005)

Report no. 6/06: This report details the development of world-wide legalisation and regulations governing motor vehicle emissions, fuel specifications and fuel consupmtion from 1996 to 2005....
Motor vehicle emission regulations and fuel specifications: Part 1 – 2004/2005 update
October 6, 2006

Motor vehicle emission regulations and fuel specifications: Part 1 – 2004/2005 update

Report no. 5/06: This report summarises changes in worldwide legislation and regulations governing motor vehicle emissions, fuel specifications and fuel consumption. Specifically it details current an...
Appendix to Report no. 5/06
October 5, 2006

Appendix to Report no. 5/06

Motor vehicle emission regulations and fuel specifications appendix to part 1 2004/2005 update
PETROTOX—CONCAWE’s ecotoxicity predictor for petroleum products
October 1, 2006

PETROTOX—CONCAWE’s ecotoxicity predictor for petroleum products

CONCAWE has been conducting a voluntary programme assessing the risks to man and the environment of petroleum substances in anticipation of proposed legislation (REACH). The process by which the risk...
Analysis of the CAFE cost benefit analysis
August 13, 2006

Analysis of the CAFE cost benefit analysis

Report no. 4/06: This report discusses a few aspects of the Cost Benefits Analysis that was developed within the context of the Clean Air For Europe (CAFE) programme of the European Commission. The...
Techno-economic analysis of the impact of the reduction of sulphur content of residual marine fuels in Europe
June 21, 2006

Techno-economic analysis of the impact of the reduction of sulphur content of residual marine fuels in Europe

Report no. 2/06: Annex VI of the IMO's MARPOL convention is coming into force in 2006 for the Baltic Sea and 2007 for the North Sea, imposing a 1.5% m/m sulphur cap on residual marine fuel (RMF) burne...
From science to advocacy
May 1, 2006

From science to advocacy

The development of Air Quality legislation involves an increasingly sophisticated use of science in a wide range of fields such as health impact assessment, modelling, emission control technologies an...
The case for Gothenburg
May 1, 2006

The case for Gothenburg

The UN-ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, which last year celebrated its 25th Anniversary, marked the first international response to the concerns over the impacts of long ra...
Groundwater and the groundwater daughter directive
May 1, 2006

Groundwater and the groundwater daughter directive

The Groundwater Directive (GWD) is a daughter directive of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and has the potential to significantly affect downstream petroleum operations. It is currently undergo...
Reducing the sulphur content of residual marine fuels
May 1, 2006

Reducing the sulphur content of residual marine fuels

The legislative context Residual fuel is a commodity used by sea-going vessels the world over. The quality specifications of residual marine or ‘bunker’ fuels (RMF) result essentially from self re...
Registration of petroleum substances under REACH
May 1, 2006

Registration of petroleum substances under REACH

In 1993 the Council adopted Regulation (EEC) 793/93 or the ‘ESR’ (Existing Substances Regulation), thus introducing a comprehensive framework for the evaluation and control of ‘existing’ ch...
COPEX 2006
May 1, 2006

COPEX 2006

The CONCAWE Oil Pipelines Operators Experience Exchange seminar (COPEX for short) that took place in Brussels on 30–31 March was continuing a long-established tradition. CONCAWE has been active i...
Evaporative emissions and ethanol blends
May 1, 2006

Evaporative emissions and ethanol blends

The JRC/EUCAR/CONCAWE consortium was set up in 2000 to carry out technical work of joint interest in the area of advanced fuels and vehicles. The first major output from the collaboration was th...
CONCAWE Review – Spring 2006
April 23, 2006

CONCAWE Review – Spring 2006

Volume 15, number 1: When CONCAWE was established 43 years ago, the oil companies’ objective was to create a framework within which they could jointly carry out technical studies in areas of common...
Human exposure information for EU substance risk assessment of gas oils
March 21, 2006

Human exposure information for EU substance risk assessment of gas oils

Report no. 1/06: Information is presented on inhalation and dermal exposures to gas oils for workers in European manufacturing and distribution operations and for consumers, for use in substance risk...
European downstream oil industry safety performance: Statistical summary of reported incidents – 2004
December 22, 2005

European downstream oil industry safety performance: Statistical summary of reported incidents – 2004

Report no. 10/05: The eleventh such report by CONCAWE, this issue includes statistics on work-related personal injuries for the downstream oil industry’s own employees as well as contractors for the...
The impact of reducing sulphur to 10 ppm max in european automotive fuels an update
December 20, 2005

The impact of reducing sulphur to 10 ppm max in european automotive fuels an update

Report no. 8/05: The cost and CO2 emissions associated with the reduction of sulphur in EU road fuels have been evaluated using the CONCAWE EU refining model. The results are compared to those of a si...
EU-wide BAT—an expensive suit that doesn’t fit everybody!
November 1, 2005

EU-wide BAT—an expensive suit that doesn’t fit everybody!

The ‘Clean Air For Europe’ (CAFE) programme, carried out over the past three years by the EU Commission’s DG Environment, has resulted in the recent publication of the ‘Thematic Strategy on...
Impacts of air pollutant caps on climate
November 1, 2005

Impacts of air pollutant caps on climate

Air pollution is a major issue in an increasing number of megacities around the world, and new policies to address urban air pollution are likely to be enacted in many developing countries irrespectiv...
Occupational risks to hearing reviewed
November 1, 2005

Occupational risks to hearing reviewed

With the publication of CONCAWE report 5/05 an extensive work programme on the factors potentially affecting the hearing of petroleum industry workers has recently been completed by the CONCAWE Hea...

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