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European cross-country oil pipelines
February 1, 2013

European cross-country oil pipelines

CONCAWE first became involved with oil pipeline safety issues in the mid-1960s when it started collecting information and statistics on incidents and spills related to European cross-country oil pi...
Health research over 50 years
February 1, 2013

Health research over 50 years

CONCAWE has been working on health issues since its formation in 1963. In the early years, the focus of this work was on occupational health hazards and risks in the refining industry. Over the...
Fifty years of fuel quality and vehicle emissions
February 1, 2013

Fifty years of fuel quality and vehicle emissions

In the late 1970s, with growing emphasis on urban air quality in Europe, CONCAWE embarked on new research related to fuels and vehicles. After only a few years, it became clear that fuel propert...
Use of the modified Ames test as an indicator of the carcinogenicity of residual aromatic extracts
December 17, 2012

Use of the modified Ames test as an indicator of the carcinogenicity of residual aromatic extracts

Report no. 12/12: Existing data demonstrate that residual aromatic extracts (RAEs) can be either carcinogenic or non-carcinogenic. CONCAWE had previously concluded that “Although limited data availa...
Developing human health exposure scenarios for petroleum substances under REACH
December 15, 2012

Developing human health exposure scenarios for petroleum substances under REACH

Report no. 11/12: This report describes the approaches that were adopted by CONCAWE to prepare the human exposure estimates in the chemical safety assessments of the REACH registration dossiers for pe...
Primary biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in seawater
December 7, 2012

Primary biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in seawater

Report no. 10/12: This report describes primary biodegradation experiments performed to determine the persistence of higher molecular weight petroleum hydrocarbons in seawater. Results from the bio...
Developing a methodology for an EU refining industry CO2 emissions benchmark
December 6, 2012

Developing a methodology for an EU refining industry CO2 emissions benchmark

Report no. 9/12: In the third trading period under the EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS), refineries and other eligible industrial installations may be granted free CO2 emission allowances according...
Interview with CONCAWE’s first Research Associate
December 1, 2012

Interview with CONCAWE’s first Research Associate

Lucia Gonzalez Bajos, seconded from Repsol, became CONCAWE’s first Research Associate in October 2011 to advance air quality studies using remote sensing techniques. The CONCAWE Review depart...
Evaluating the Value of a Life Year (VOLY)
December 1, 2012

Evaluating the Value of a Life Year (VOLY)

Today’s European air quality policy uses cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to assess the effectiveness of different measures to mitigate air pollution. This involves comparing the cost of achieving emi...
Benchmarking CO2 emissions from European refineries
December 1, 2012

Benchmarking CO2 emissions from European refineries

The regulatory landscapeUnder the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) Directive, industrial emitters of greenhouse gases (GHGs) must deliver emission permits or allowances every year...
A new ‘pooled’ analysis of benzene effects on human health
December 1, 2012

A new ‘pooled’ analysis of benzene effects on human health

For many years, the effects of benzene on human health have been a concern of health experts and air quality regulators. Because of these concerns, regulatory limits and technological developments...
CONCAWE Review 21.2
October 23, 2012

CONCAWE Review 21.2

Welcome to the latest edition of the CONCAWE Review. As CONCAWE begins its 50th anniversary year in 2013, we continue to focus on high quality, scientifically objective research that is of value to...
REACH – Analytical characterisation of petroleum UVCB substances
October 21, 2012

REACH – Analytical characterisation of petroleum UVCB substances

Report no. 7/12: The purpose of this report is to summarise the findings of the scientific and technical work undertaken by CONCAWE to assess the feasibility and potential benefit of characterising pe...
CONCAWE Review – Summer 2012
August 23, 2012

CONCAWE Review – Summer 2012

Volume 21, Number 1: Welcome to the latest edition of the CONCAWE Review. I hope you will find these articles of interest. Issues such as energy efficiency and air quality are very topical, while REAC...
Trends in oil discharged with aqueous effluents from oil refineries in Europe – 2010 survey data
August 20, 2012

Trends in oil discharged with aqueous effluents from oil refineries in Europe – 2010 survey data

Report no. 6/12: This report summarises data gathered by CONCAWE in a 2010 survey of effluent water quantity, oil content and treatment processes for refinery installations situated in the EU-27 count...
Reducing the concentration of fine particulates in ambient air
August 7, 2012

Reducing the concentration of fine particulates in ambient air

From many health and epidemiological studies, it is generally accepted that exposure to fine particulate matter (PM) is harmful to human health and that actions should be taken to reduce the concentra...
Refinery energy systems and efficiency
August 7, 2012

Refinery energy systems and efficiency

Oil refineries manufacture a wide range of petroleum products, mainly transport fuels (gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, marine fuels), heating and industrial fuels, and chemical feedstocks. All must...
Petroleum products: looking back over the past 50 years
August 7, 2012

Petroleum products: looking back over the past 50 years

The field of petroleum products in CONCAWE has historically been concerned with product stewardship and chemicals control legislation relating to the production, marketing and use of petroleum subs...
REACH: petroleum industry support to registration and compliance
August 7, 2012

REACH: petroleum industry support to registration and compliance

The petroleum industry successfully met the first REACH deadline in December 2010 with the registration of all petroleum substances and sulphur....
Europe’s oil pipelines: 40 years of results
August 7, 2012

Europe’s oil pipelines: 40 years of results

The Oil Pipelines Management Group (OPMG) is one of CONCAWE’s oldest, having been in existence since the early 1970s. OPMG is open to all European oil pipeline operators and provides a unique fo...

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