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Fuel effects on emissions from modern gasoline vehicles part 2 – aromatics, olefins and volatility effects
February 21, 2004

Fuel effects on emissions from modern gasoline vehicles part 2 – aromatics, olefins and volatility effects

Report no. 2/04: The influence of gasoline quality on exhaust emissions has been evaluated using four modern European gasoline cars with advanced engine technologies/after treatment systems. Part 1 of...
Chronic toxicity studies on white oils
January 17, 2004

Chronic toxicity studies on white oils

Report no. 1/04: This report summarises the results of experimental studies undertaken to investigate the chronic toxicity and carcinogenic potential of two highly refined mineral white oils of medium...
Celebrating 40 years of CONCAWE
October 23, 2003

Celebrating 40 years of CONCAWE

Volume 12 • Number 2: It is now 40 years since a small group of leading oil companies decided to pool their resources and expertise to deal with the emerging environmental issues associated with oil...
Air quality
October 1, 2003

Air quality

At the start of CONCAWE’s life in 1963, air quality was seen mainly as a ‘local air’ issue and the bulk of legislation in force was based on the prevention of nuisance. How things have change...
October 1, 2003

Water and waste

Water is an essential resource that has, over the years, come progressively higher on the international agenda because of its intimate relationship with both human health and ecosystem development....
October 1, 2003


In an industry that deals with inflammable and potentially explosive products, safety considerations have to be paramount. Since the mid 1990s CONCAWE, with the input of its member companies, has b...
Oil pipelines
October 1, 2003

Oil pipelines

CONCAWE first became involved with oil pipeline safety issues in the mid 1960s when it started collecting information and statistics on incidents and spills related to European cross-country oil pi...
October 1, 2003


CONCAWE has been working on health issues virtually since its inception. In the early years the focus was on occupational health in relation to oil industry workers. Over the years, and particul...
Fuel quality and emissions
October 1, 2003

Fuel quality and emissions

CONCAWE first embarked on work on fuels quality in relation to automotive emissions in the late 1970s.Since that time, tremendous progress has been made in reducing emissions from road transport, with...
Fuel effects on emissions from modern gasoline vehicles part 1 – sulphur effects
July 21, 2003

Fuel effects on emissions from modern gasoline vehicles part 1 – sulphur effects

Report no. 5/03: The influence of gasoline quality on exhaust emissions has been evaluated using four modern European gasoline cars with advanced technologies designed to reduce fuel consumption and C...
The IPPC directive, refinery BREF and european refineries – a guidance manual
July 13, 2003

The IPPC directive, refinery BREF and european refineries – a guidance manual

Report no. 4/03: This report has been prepared as a guidance manual for refining environmental and planning personnel who must prepare for the permitting and operational implications of the IPPC regul...
CONCAWE Review – Spring 2003
April 23, 2003

CONCAWE Review – Spring 2003

Volume 12 • Number 1: With Europe at the forefront of the ratification of the Kyoto protocol, CO2 and, more generally, greenhouse gases (GHG) are now definitely in the limelight and will be a ce...
Establishing Air Quality Limit Values
April 1, 2003

Establishing Air Quality Limit Values

As part of the Commission’s Clean Air For Europeprogramme (CAFE), the World Health Organization’s (WHO) European Centre for Environment and Health has been contracted to update its guidance with...
Oil in water analysis
April 1, 2003

Oil in water analysis

The determination of the oil content of refinery effluent water has long been a subject of studies. CONCAWE first published a report on oil in water analysis in 1972. Although we all know what â...
Modelling the European refining industry
April 1, 2003

Modelling the European refining industry

Ten years of modelling experience It is now nearly 10 years since CONCAWE decided to develop a tool to model the European refining industry and evaluate the likely impact of future changes such as leg...
Occupational exposures to gasoline vapour
April 1, 2003

Occupational exposures to gasoline vapour

The risk assessment methodology requires data on exposure in order to make comparisons between so-called ‘no-effect-levels’, arising from health effect studies, and exposure cases as they occur...
Exposure of asphalt workers to bitumen fumes
April 1, 2003

Exposure of asphalt workers to bitumen fumes

Bitumen is a product with a long history of use as construction material in a wide variety of applications, such as road paving. Under normal ambient conditions bitumens are solid and do not presen...
EUCAR/JRC/CONCAWE well-to-wheels study
April 1, 2003

EUCAR/JRC/CONCAWE well-to-wheels study

DG TREN’s initiatives on alternative fuels for road transport Following the publication of the Green Paper on the Security of Energy Supply in the autumn of 2001, the EU Commission and in particular...
Sulphur-free fuels are on the way
April 1, 2003

Sulphur-free fuels are on the way

The final version of the revised EU Fuels Directive, 2003/17/EC, was published in March 2003. As expected, sulphur-free gasoline and diesel fuels (10 mg/kg maximum sulphur content), must be availab...
Emissions from modern gasoline vehicles
April 1, 2003

Emissions from modern gasoline vehicles

Over recent years, vehicle technologies have developed rapidly with significant improvements in emissions control. Exhaust catalysts were first required on European gasoline cars with the introduction...

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