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Petrochemical feedstocks: the cornerstone of competitiveness
May 15, 2014

Petrochemical feedstocks: the cornerstone of competitiveness

Future outlookThe future of much of Europe’s chemical industry depends heavily upon the availability of affordable petrochemical feedstocks. In the Middle East, where petrochemical feedstocks areÂ...
Forward-looking perspective on oil and gas production in Europe
May 15, 2014

Forward-looking perspective on oil and gas production in Europe

In 2010 world energy demand was equivalent to about 260 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), and oil and gas represented 54% of this global demand. According to the International Ener...
Evaluating energy pathways: from well to wheels
May 15, 2014

Evaluating energy pathways: from well to wheels

Over the past decade, the JEC Research Consortium1 has been working together to better understand the complex issues associated with future vehicles and fuels. While some of this work has involvedÂ...
Developments in EU refining: looking ahead to 2020 and beyond
May 15, 2014

Developments in EU refining: looking ahead to 2020 and beyond

Developments in EU refining: looking ahead to 2020 and beyond Oil refineries are constantly adapting to changes in product quality legislation and market demand. This requires the industry to be a...
Petroleum products and REACH: looking ahead
May 15, 2014

Petroleum products and REACH: looking ahead

The petroleum refining industry successfully met the first REACH deadline in December 2010 with the registration of all petroleum substances. This was a commendable achievement in view of the complexi...
Air quality and health: looking ahead
May 15, 2014

Air quality and health: looking ahead

Evolving scientific insights over the past twenty years. The past twenty years have seen major changes in the techniques and findings of studies on air pollution and health, changes which set today’...
Well-to-Wheels analysis of future automotive fuels and powertrains in the European context
May 15, 2014

Well-to-Wheels analysis of future automotive fuels and powertrains in the European context

This is a joint study by EUCAR / JRC / CONCAWE. Study Objectives: Establish, in a transparent and objective manner, a consensual well-to-wheels energy use and GHG emissions assessment of a wide...
Transportation and fuels: looking ahead at the future of marine fuels
May 15, 2014

Transportation and fuels: looking ahead at the future of marine fuels

The global marine fuel market is generally accepted to be about 250 million tonnes per annum (pa). Today’s marine fuel would be recognisable to those who bought, sold and used marine fuels for th...
Renewable fuels: looking ahead to 2020
May 15, 2014

Renewable fuels: looking ahead to 2020

Increasing renewable energy and reducing GHG emissions from transport It is widely recognised that mobility and transport are fundamental to satisfy socio-economic needs and curbing mobility is no...
Transportation and fuels: looking ahead at heavy-duty vehicles
May 15, 2014

Transportation and fuels: looking ahead at heavy-duty vehicles

Looking back on developments in heavy-duty vehicle (HDV) technology over the past 20–25 years, one could rightly describe them as a ‘total makeover’. The improvements are particularly obvious...
Transportation and fuels: looking ahead at aviation
May 15, 2014

Transportation and fuels: looking ahead at aviation

After more than a century since the Wright Brothers took off, we have become accustomed to the conveniences and inconveniences of air transportation. As high speed rail and slower options, like lon...
Methods for estimating VOC emissions from primary oil-water separator systems in refineries
March 13, 2014

Methods for estimating VOC emissions from primary oil-water separator systems in refineries

Report no. 5/14: This report reviews the different methods available to estimate annual Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions from primary oil-water separator systems in refineries and discusses t...
Use of motor fuels and lubricants: habits and practices of consumers in Europe
February 17, 2014

Use of motor fuels and lubricants: habits and practices of consumers in Europe

Report no. 4/14: A structured survey of European consumers was carried out across 250 participants to better understand their habits and practices concerning their use of vehicle fuels and lubricants....
Assessment of Recent Health Studies of Long-Term Exposure to Ozone
January 31, 2014

Assessment of Recent Health Studies of Long-Term Exposure to Ozone

Report no. 3/14: This report summarises the assessment of the policy relevant long-term health studies published since the last update of the ozone Air Quality Limit Value (AQLV). This project was und...
Proceedings of the Mineral Oil CRoss Industry IssueS (MOCRINIS) Workshop September 2013
January 24, 2014

Proceedings of the Mineral Oil CRoss Industry IssueS (MOCRINIS) Workshop September 2013

Report no. 2/14: CONCAWE organised a 2-day Mineral Oil Cross Industry Issues (MOCRINIS)Workshop in Bologna, Italy in September 2013. The objective of the Workshop was to address topics that have arise...
Application of the target lipid and equilibrium partitioning models to non-polar organic chemicals in soils and sediments
January 21, 2014

Application of the target lipid and equilibrium partitioning models to non-polar organic chemicals in soils and sediments

The Target Lipid Model (TLM) provides a framework for deriving predicted no effect concentrations (PNEC) for non polar organic chemicals to organisms in the environment. This approach has been used to...
Assessment of the impact of ethanol content in gasoline on fuel consumption, including a literature review up to 2006
December 21, 2013

Assessment of the impact of ethanol content in gasoline on fuel consumption, including a literature review up to 2006

Report no. 13/13: Ethanol, at low concentrations in motor gasoline, is known to impact both the fuel consumption and emissions from vehicles. Because ethanol has a lower energy content per litre compa...
Supplementary guidance for the investigation and risk-assessment of potentially contaminated sediments: a companion volume to Energy Institute
November 28, 2013

Supplementary guidance for the investigation and risk-assessment of potentially contaminated sediments: a companion volume to Energy Institute

Report no. 11/13: This report provides guidance on the investigation and assessment of potentially contaminated sediments, focusing on the inland, estuarine and coastal environments. It is designed as...
Laboratory Oxidation Stability Study on B10 Biodiesel Blends
November 21, 2013

Laboratory Oxidation Stability Study on B10 Biodiesel Blends

Report no. 10/13: A laboratory oxidation stability study has been completed jointly by CONCAWE and DGMK on three biodiesel blends containing 10% v/v (B10) Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME). The results o...
Marine fuels and hydrogen sulphide
October 21, 2013

Marine fuels and hydrogen sulphide

Report no. 8/13: The safe handling of petroleum cargoes and refined products that may contain hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is an important issue for the marine and inland fuel industries. Attention has ref...

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