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August 27, 2020
Simulating behavior of petroleum compounds during refinery effluent treatment using the SimpleTreat model
Distribution and elimination of petroleum products can be predicted in aerobic wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) using models such as multimedia fate model SimpleTreat. An advantage of the SimpleTre...

August 5, 2020
Review of water treatment systems for PFAS removal
Report no. 14/20: The group of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is a large family of anthropogenic substances with a wide range of industrial applications. Due to their specific pr...

July 28, 2020
Detailed Evaluation of Natural Source Zone Depletion at a Paved Former Petrol Station
Report no. 13/20: This report presents the results of an investigation that was carried out to demonstrate Natural Source Zone Depletion (NSZD) occurred under a paved site and compare various monitori...

July 8, 2020
Impact analysis of mass EV adoption and low-carbon intensity fuels scenarios (Concawe Review 27.2)
A Concawe study examined several options for achieving a low-carbon transport system in the EU by 2050. Significantly, a mass EV adoption scenario and a low-carbon fuels scenario both achieve similar...

July 8, 2020
High-octane petrol (HOP) study: making gasoline relevant for the future of road transport (Concawe Review 28.1)
Improvements in vehicle efficiency will be a key factor in ensuring that liquid fuels remain a vital partner in the future of road transport.
This article looks at the role of high-octane petrol (...

July 8, 2020
Running high-octane petrol in a suitably adapted engine (Concawe Review 29.1)
Concawe’s modelling and vehicle testing study shows that fuels and vehicles can be optimised together to take advantage of higher-RON fuels, and achieve significant improvements in efficiency and CO...

July 8, 2020
Exploring possible pathways for the EU refining system to contribute to a low-CO2 economy in the 2030–2050 time frame (Concawe Review 29.1)
This article summarises the results of two Concawe studies which address the potential for refineries to contribute to a future low-carbon economy. Full details of the studies are presented in Concawe...

July 2, 2020
European downstream oil industry safety performance
Report no. 11/20: The 2019 annual report on European downstream oil industry safety performance presents work-related personal injuries for the industry’s own employees and contractors and process s...

June 10, 2020
Concawe – Investigation of the value of spectral data for the identification of petroleum UVCB substances (report no. 9/20)
Report no. 9/20: This report provides further information on the value of spectral data generated from the Concawe Analytical Program, and provides scientific justification that spectral data provides...

June 2, 2020
Exploring possible pathways for the EU refining system to contribute to a low-CO2 economy 29 in the 2030–2050 time frame (Concawe Review 29.1)
This article summarises the results of two Concawe studies which address the potential for refineries to contribute to a future low-carbon economy. Full details of the studies are presented in Concawe...

June 2, 2020
Understanding the process of setting air quality limit values and the associated compliance challenge
A Concawe modelling study examines how annual average PM and NO2 concentrations would vary under different emission reduction scenarios, and assesses the cost and practicability of achieving complianc...

June 2, 2020
Running high-octane petrol in suitably adapted engine (Concawe Review 29.1)
Gasoline combustion has traditionally been measured using Research Octane Number (RON) and Motor Octane Number (MON) which describe the fuel’s resistance to auto-ignition (commonly known as ‘knock...

June 2, 2020
Concawe Review 29.1
As the first 2020 edition of the Concawe Review is being published, it has been reported in the news that spring has been abnormally warm in EU countries, providing further evidence of climate change....

May 20, 2020
Testing and modelling the effect of high octane petrols on an adapted vehicle
Report no. 8/20: Gasoline combustion has traditionally been measured using Research Octane Number (RON) and Motor Octane Number (MON) which describe antiknock performance under different conditions. A...

May 17, 2020
PetroTox version 4.0 User Manual
Report no. 7/20: PetroTox is a modelling tool implementing the Target Lipid Model (TLM) for the calculation of the aquatic toxicity of complex hydrocarbon mixtures. The model allows for the calculatio...

May 12, 2020
Is the Arrhenius-correction of biodegradation rates, as recommended through REACH guidance, fit for environmentally relevant conditions? An example from petroleum biodegradation in environmental systems
Biodegradation is a major determinant of chemical persistence in the environment and an important consideration for PBT and environmental risk assessments. It is influenced by several environmental fa...

April 17, 2020
Three-way catalyst performance using natural gas with two different sulphur levels
Report no. 6/20: Stoichiometric engines running on natural gas rely on three-way catalysts to meet limits e.g. Euro 6 regarding emissions of hydrocarbons (including methane), carbon monoxide and oxide...

April 15, 2020
Real Driving Emissions from Four Euro 6 Diesel Passenger Cars
Report no. 5/20: In Europe, the development and implementation of new regulatory test procedures including the chassis dynamometer (CD) based World Harmonised Light Duty Test Procedure (WLTP) and the...

March 23, 2020
Air emissions from the refining sector. Analysis of E-PRTR data 2007-2017
Report no. 4/20: This report is an updated version of the Concawe Report No 4/18 providing a review of the air pollutant emissions data submitted by national authorities for oil refineries in the Euro...
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