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Improved closed test setup for biodegradation testing of slightly volatile substances in water-sediment systems (OECD 308)
March 4, 2023

Improved closed test setup for biodegradation testing of slightly volatile substances in water-sediment systems (OECD 308)

Standardized biodegradation testing methods, like the OECD 308 Aerobic and Anaerobic Transformation in Aquatic Sediment Systems, generate data on biodegradation required during environmental risk an...
Guidance for diffuse VOC emission determination following EN 17628:2022
February 16, 2023

Guidance for diffuse VOC emission determination following EN 17628:2022

Report no. 1/23: This document addresses the periodic determination of diffuse emissions of non-methane volatile hydrocarbon compounds from refineries by means of remote sensing. A recent European sta...
Implications of extended pollutant coverage within E-PRTR – Assessment of relevance and significance of air emissions from mineral oil and gas refineries
January 10, 2023

Implications of extended pollutant coverage within E-PRTR – Assessment of relevance and significance of air emissions from mineral oil and gas refineries

A 2020 ICF review of the completeness of the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) activities, pollutants and thresholds identified 38 new air and water pollutants for potentia...
Persistence and mobility (defined as organic‑carbon partitioning) do not correlate to the detection of substances found in surface and groundwater: Criticism of the regulatory concept of persistent and mobile substances
December 28, 2022

Persistence and mobility (defined as organic‑carbon partitioning) do not correlate to the detection of substances found in surface and groundwater: Criticism of the regulatory concept of persistent and mobile substances

The Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) includes actions to ensure the protection of drinking water resources from chemical pollution. To proactively identify potential pollutants, the German...
A Mapping of Technology Options for Sustainable Energies and Powertrains for Road Transport
December 21, 2022

A Mapping of Technology Options for Sustainable Energies and Powertrains for Road Transport

In December 2022, the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) adopted during its plenary meeting a new document entitled “A Mapping of Technology Options for Sustainable Energies...
Guidance to Registrants on Methods for the Identification of Petroleum UVCB Substances for REACH
December 12, 2022

Guidance to Registrants on Methods for the Identification of Petroleum UVCB Substances for REACH

Report no. 19/22: Following recent revisions to Annex VI of EU REACH Regulation No. 1907/2006, this report describes the information which registrants should now provide in Sections 1.2 and 1.4 of the...
Modeling the GCxGC elution patterns of a hydrocarbon structure library to innovate environmental risk assessments of petroleum substances
December 7, 2022

Modeling the GCxGC elution patterns of a hydrocarbon structure library to innovate environmental risk assessments of petroleum substances

Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) offers unrivaled separation of petroleum substances, which can contain thousands of constituents or more. However, interpreting substance compo...
Future diesel-like renewable fuels – A literature review
December 6, 2022

Future diesel-like renewable fuels – A literature review

Report no. 18/22: IFP Energies Nouvelles was commissioned by Concawe to identify novel sustainable liquid fuels pathways by 2030 for heavy duty trucks applications. The study consists of an extensive...
Lack of human-relevant adversity of MOSH retained in tissues: Analysis of adversity and implications for regulatory assessment
December 1, 2022

Lack of human-relevant adversity of MOSH retained in tissues: Analysis of adversity and implications for regulatory assessment

Mineral oils (food grade white oil or liquid paraffin) have historically been safely used in a number of sensitive end-uses, including pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food. Recent concern that certain mi...
Fuel and Recharging Effects on Regulated and Unregulated Emissions from a Gasoline and a Diesel Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle
November 24, 2022

Fuel and Recharging Effects on Regulated and Unregulated Emissions from a Gasoline and a Diesel Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle

As passenger cars are progressively moving towards more electrification, Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) may play a greater role. Several questions arise regarding their performance in real-w...
Interactive tool: Cars CO2 Comparator
November 17, 2022

Interactive tool: Cars CO2 Comparator

From a climate perspective, it does not matter whether the greenhouse gases are emitted during the production of the car or of the energy carrier, or at the tailpipe. From that perspective, only life-...
E-Fuels: A techno-economic assessment of European domestic production and imports towards 2050 (Concawe Report 17/22)
November 7, 2022

E-Fuels: A techno-economic assessment of European domestic production and imports towards 2050 (Concawe Report 17/22)

Report no. 17/22: Concawe and Aramco have jointly commissioned this study, aiming to conduct a techno-environmental (Part 1) and economic (Part 2) analysis of different e-fuels pathways produced in di...
Petroleum refinery effluent contribution to chemical mixture toxic pressure in the environment
November 4, 2022

Petroleum refinery effluent contribution to chemical mixture toxic pressure in the environment

Petroleum refinery effluents (PRE) are wastewaters from industries associated with oil refining. Within Europe, PREs are regulated through local discharge permits and receive substantial treatment bef...
Assessment of Chemical Oxygen Demand/Total Organic Carbon (COD/TOC) ratios in refinery effluents
September 15, 2022

Assessment of Chemical Oxygen Demand/Total Organic Carbon (COD/TOC) ratios in refinery effluents

Report no. 16/22: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) analysis is one of the most commonly used analytical methods to indirectly measure organic pollutants in effluent waters. The standard COD methods use po...
Concawe Review Special REACH
September 6, 2022

Concawe Review Special REACH

Following the REACH registration phase, ECHA began the substances evaluation phase in 2012. The proof of similarity and subsequent justification of read-across between Concawe’s substances, which is...
PetroRisk version 8.01: Improved model for performing REACH Environmental Risk Assessments on petroleum substances
September 6, 2022

PetroRisk version 8.01: Improved model for performing REACH Environmental Risk Assessments on petroleum substances

Concawe has updated the PetroRisk model used to calculate the environmental risk assessments (ERAs) for petroleum substances needed for REACH registration dossiers. The updates result in a model which...
A novel approach for assessing the biodegradability of constituents in petroleum substances
September 6, 2022

A novel approach for assessing the biodegradability of constituents in petroleum substances

Petroleum substances contain hundreds to thousands of constituents, making it very difficult to generate biodegradation data on all of those constituents individually. Concawe is undertaking a nove...
Generation of biodegradability data on petroleum constituents using enhanced tests (OECD guideline 301 F)
September 6, 2022

Generation of biodegradability data on petroleum constituents using enhanced tests (OECD guideline 301 F)

To improve the persistence assessment of petroleum substances, Concawe started a testing programme for several hydrocarbons. Ready biodegradability tests were proposed on six 3-ring polycyclic aromati...

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