13 Jul 2003

The IPPC directive, refinery BREF and european refineries – a guidance manual

Report no. 4/03: This report has been prepared as a guidance manual for refining environmental and planning personnel who must prepare for the permitting and operational implications of the IPPC regulations which become applicable to existing operations in October2007. New operations must already comply. The IPPC regulations have to be interpreted and enacted into national legislation and detailed compliance will vary from country to country.

A common resource for relevant technical information will be the series of Reference documents for Best Available Techniques (BREF documents) prepared by the European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Bureau (EIPPCB) in Seville.This guidance manual introduces the IPPC Directive and BREF document relevant to mineral oil and gas refineries. It aims to clarify critical points and to provide checklists of actions and debating points that those responsible for advocacy,refinery operations, permitting, and/or planning can use in preparing to most effectively manage the IPPC permitting process in their country and at their site.

For more information, please contact us