JEC Well-to-Wheels study version 5: a look into the carbon intensity of different fuel/powertrain combinations in 2030 (Concawe Review 29.2)
Version 5 of the JEC evaluation of well-to-wheels energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for a range of potential future fuel and powertrain options has now been completed. Full details are available online via the JEC consortium website. This article provides an...
Assessing the Efficiency of a New Gasoline Compression Ignition (GCI) Concept
A practical Gasoline Compression Ignition (GCI) concept is presented that works on standard European 95 RON E10 gasoline over the whole speed/load range. A spark is employed to assist the gasoline autoignition at low loads; this avoids the requirement of a complex cam...
Fuel Effects on Regulated and Unregulated Emissions from Three Light-Duty Euro 5 and Euro 6 Diesel Passenger Cars
Substantial advances in European road vehicle emissions have been achieved over the past 3 decades driven by strengthening revisions in emissions legislation and enabled by advances in fuel, vehicle engine and emissions control technologies. As both vehicle technology...