Increasing renewable energy and reducing GHG emissions from transport It is widely recognised that mobility and transport are fundamental to satisfy socio-economic needs and curbing mobility is not an option. Demand for mobility and transport services is expected to...
This is a joint study by EUCAR / JRC / CONCAWE. Study Objectives: Establish, in a transparent and objective manner, a consensual well-to-wheels energy use and GHG emissions assessment of a wide range of automotive fuels and powertrains relevant to Europe in 2010 and...
Report no. 4/14: A structured survey of European consumers was carried out across 250 participants to better understand their habits and practices concerning their use of vehicle fuels and lubricants. This report contains the findings of the survey. The information...
Report no. 13/13: Ethanol, at low concentrations in motor gasoline, is known to impact both the fuel consumption and emissions from vehicles. Because ethanol has a lower energy content per litre compared to conventional hydrocarbon gasoline, a vehicle’s...
Report no. 10/13: A laboratory oxidation stability study has been completed jointly by CONCAWE and DGMK on three biodiesel blends containing 10% v/v (B10) Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME). The results of the study are compared to measurements from an in-vehicle storage...