Challenges in addressing phototoxicity and photodegradation in the environmental risk assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the aquatic compartment
Report no. 9/13: This report summarises how light might interact with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) to alter both their environmental fate and their potential to cause adverse effects. The quantification of these changes is complicated due to the...
Refinery effluent analysis methodologies for relevant parameters from EU-regulatory regimes
Report no. 4/13: This report provides guidance to CONCAWE members on the analytical methods that might be used to monitor oil refinery effluents for those refinery-specific parameters covered by relevant European legislation and a comparison of the methods that are...
Providing information and guidance on water and soil management
When CONCAWE was formed in 1963, the conservation of Europe’s water resources was one of the main drivers, following the commitment made by the industry at the 6th World Petroleum Congress. Water remains an essential resource that has, over the years, come...