The future of water quality management for the refining industry

The future of water quality management for the refining industry

IntroductionIt is often assumed that the environment is deteriorating due to continuous emissions from industry and that new adverse effects can be attributed to chemical mixtures and unknown substances in these emissions. This dogmatic thinking was probably correct...
Providing information and guidance on water and soil management

Providing information and guidance on water and soil management

When CONCAWE was formed in 1963, the conservation of Europe’s water resources was one of the main drivers, following the commitment made by the industry at the 6th World Petroleum Congress. Water remains an essential resource that has, over the years, come...
Primary biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in seawater

Primary biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in seawater

Report no. 10/12: This report describes primary biodegradation experiments performed to determine the persistence of higher molecular weight petroleum hydrocarbons in seawater. Results from the biodegradation experiments show that the majority of tested petroleum...