Report no. 2/18: This report provides an initial assessment of the extent to which toxicity testing is carried on European refinery effluents, and the types of test being used. The analysis is based on responses given to Concawe water use and effluent quality surveys...
Report no. 8/16: Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) and Fluoroprotein (FP)/ Film Forming Fluoroprotein Foam (FFFP) foam have been used since the 1960s and 1970s, respectively, for the suppression of class B (flammable liquid) fires at airports, refineries and other...
Report no. 5/16: With the increasing use of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) in automotive fuels there is growing interest in the fate and effects of biodiesel, and biodiesel/ petroleum distillate blends in the environment. While biodegradation of FAME has been...
Report no. 7/15: Toxicity predictions based on laboratory- based Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) tests have been assessed by dosing outdoor stream mesocosms with unmodified and fortified refinery effluents. The tests performed allowed the process effluents to be...
The trend in discharges of petroleum‐related substances from refineries in Europe shows a consistent picture of declining emissions, since first measured in 1969. This decline coincides with enhanced internal capture or recycling procedures and increasing use of...