Report No. 3/10: In preparation for the implementation of the EU REACH regulation, a project was undertaken to transfer the high-resolution analytical method for determining hydrocarbon blocks in petroleum products by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography...
Report No. 2/10: This report is prepared as part of the Industry input to the revision process for the Refinery Best Available Technique (BAT) Reference Document (BREF) that is being undertaken by the European IPPC Bureau. Five effluent parameters were selected for...
Within the REACH registration process, registrants of a substance must submit a Chemicals Safety Report that includes a Chemical Safety Assessment (CSA). If the CSA indicates that the substance should be classified as ‘hazardous’ then the Report must include a Risk...
The main elements of the REACH regulation (EU Official Journal L396, Vol 49, 30.12.2006) which enters into force on 1 June 2007, are the registration, evaluation, restriction and authorisation of chemical substances. With the exception of crude oil, which is regarded...
In October 2000 the European Commission published an all-encompassing Directive for water. Five years on from the first concept, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) was intended to replace a patchwork of other legislation, often overlapping and even contradictory,...