Report no. 3/86: This report summarises data on exposure to benzene during the manufacture end distribution of gasoline in Europe. Exposures in various types of jobs are reviewed against the 8-hourtime-weighced average 1 ppm “Action Level” and 5 ppm...
Report no. 7/85: Prolonged and repeated exposure to loud noise can cause permanent damage to hearing, resulting in noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). In the work environment prevention of NIHL may be accomplished by means of a hearing conservation programme, which is...
Report no. 10/82: The report provides readers both within and outside the petroleum industry with an overview or the methodologies already in use or being developed, to assist and supplement risk management practices. The report briefly describes the consecutive steps...
Report no. 4/81: In situations where limits are imposed on noise levels in communities near petroleum and petrochemical plant, it is often necessary to calculate environmental noise levels because no direct measurements are possible. Such calculations require...