Past Events
Upcoming Event
Concawe ‘s COPEX 2014 Concawe Oil Pipeline operators EXperience exchange seminar
On the 3rd & 4th April, 2014 Concawe hosted its 4-yearly “COPEX” seminar in Brussels. This regular event provides a forum for pipeline operators to update their knowledge of legislative, regul...
Upcoming Event
10th CONCAWE Symposium
The 10th CONCAWE Symposium was held in Brussels on 25th & 26th February 2013.
This event was attended by over 170 representatives from companies, national organisations, industry associations,...
Upcoming Event
Mineral Oil Cross Industry Issues (MOCRINIS) Workshop
A two-day Mineral Oil Cross Industry Issues (MOCRINIS) Workshop was held on 10-11 September 2013, in Bologna, Italy.
MOCRINIS Workshop - Final Programme
This event was sponsored by CONCAWE. The...
Upcoming Event
Microbial Growth in Fuel Supply and Distribution Systems
Microbial Growth in Fuel Supply and Distribution Systems
A one-day Workshop on Microbial Growth (MBG) in Fuel Supply and Distribution Systems took place on March 16, 2011 in Brussels, Belgium. Th...
Upcoming Event
9th CONCAWE Symposium
The 9th CONCAWE Symposium took place on the 14th and 15th March 2011 in Brussels, Belgium.
The event was attended by about 130 delegates from organisations both directly and indirectly involved w...
Upcoming Event
COPEX 2010
CONCAWE's COPEX - CONCAWE Oil Pipeline Operators Experience Exchange Seminar is a 4-yearly event which assembles pipeline operators from throughout Europe.
The COPEX 2010 took place in Brussels o...
Upcoming Event
8th Symposium: Nov. 09
The 8th CONCAWE Symposium took place in Brussels on 23rd & 24th November 2009.
The event was attended by some 120 delegates from a wide range of organisations, directly or indirectly involved...
Upcoming Event
Health Workshop: Jan. 09
On 19 & 20 January 2009 CONCAWE organised a Workshop on Environment & Health under the title "Evaluating European air quality research and translating priorities into actions".
Upcoming Event
7th Symposium: Nov. 08
The 7th CONCAWE Symposium was held on 24 & 25 November 2008
Symposium Programme
An evening talk by Mr Jack Short of the International Transport Forum, presented a thought-provoking view on...
Upcoming Event
6th Symposium: Nov. 07
The 6th CONCAWE Symposium was held on 19 & 20 November 2007
Symposium Programme
Evening presentations:
EU Emissions Trading Scheme
Can mass delusion lead us on to a path to stabilise...
Upcoming Event
Health Workshop: Jan. 07
On 15 & 16 January 2007 CONCAWE organised an open Workshop on Environment & Health to debate research priorities for health effects of air pollution.
Workshop Programme
Upcoming Event
5th Symposium: Nov. 06
The 5th CONCAWE Symposium was held on 20-21 November 2006.
Symposium Programme
The guest speaker, Mr Tom Burke gave an enlightening presentation entitled: Environment in the 21st Century – R...