Report No. 01/24: The question of how aviation fuel composition affects the formation and lifetime of contrails is a complex one. Although the theory regarding initial contrail formation is well-founded in thermodynamics and proven to be correct by measurements, there...
Report no. 5/23: In 2019, the aviation sector directly employed 11.3 million people worldwide. If also accounting for the associated indirect, induced, and catalytic jobs, aviation enabled a total of 87.7 million jobs, which translates into a gross world product of...
Report no. 17/22: Concawe and Aramco have jointly commissioned this study, aiming to conduct a techno-environmental (Part 1) and economic (Part 2) analysis of different e-fuels pathways produced in different regions of the world (North, Centre and South of Europe, as...
Report no. 9/22: This Guidance addresses the specific Concawe recommendations for authoring of (extended) Safety Data Sheets for Unknown or Variable composition, Complex reaction products or of Biological materials (UVCB) petroleum substances, and mixtures containing...