The Concawe LNAPL Toolbox is one of the first completely web-based tools for managing and remediating light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) impacted sites. An off-line downloadable version is also available for users who do not want to access it via the internet....
The Concawe LNAPL Toolbox is a web-based tool that provides essential information to the LNAPL remediation community. LNAPL, or light non-aqueous phase liquids, are typically historic hydrocarbon releases into soils and groundwater, such as liquid fuels, crude oil and...
Report no. 5/22: LNAPL stands for “Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids” or hydrocarbons that exist as a separate undissolved phase in the subsurface at some sites with legacy releases of fuels. They are referred to as “Light” because most petroleum hydrocarbons are less...
Microbes in aquifers are present suspended in groundwater or attached to the aquifer sediment. Groundwater is often sampled at gasoline ether oxygenate (GEO)-impacted sites to assess the potential biodegradation of organic constituents. However, the distribution of...
Natural source zone depletion (NSZD) encompasses all processes that result in petroleum hydrocarbon light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) mass loss. Vertical gas transport between the subsurface and atmosphere is a key component of NSZD. Gas exchange with the...