Meet Cat-App

27 Mar 2018

Meet Cat-App

Cat-App Project 2018 Results Presentation

  • 6 September 2018

The presentation of the results of the Cat-App Project 2018 took place at the SQUARE, Panoramic Hall (5th floor), 3 Coudenberg, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, on Thursday, 6th of September 2018 from 09:00 to 17:00.

The Cat-App* project, was initiated and funded by Concawe with the goal to avoid unnecessary laboratory animal use in the human health hazard and risk assessment process related to the production, distribution and use of petroleum products, by applying new approach methodologies as alternatives to animal testing integrated in an informed testing strategy.

Cat-App aims to provide a cost-effective integrative approach to address the regulatory toxicity decision making challenges that (petroleum) UVCB substances present, due to their chemical complexity and multi-constituent nature with largely unknown and variable composition. The concept is to develop a framework to facilitate chemical-biological read-across of toxicological data, a novel direction to inform regulatory decision making on these and other complex substances.

An overview of the project, the major results, the application of these data to support the Concawe REACH product dossiers and a way forward for the short to long term future have been presented in the meeting.

For more information about the Cat-App project click here, for the full program of the event click here.

Brochure of the Cat-App 20818 results is available here.

The presentations from the event can be found here.

*New technologies to underping CATegory APProaches and read across in regulatory programs.


Cat-App Project Stakeholder Workshop

  • 22 March 2017

The Cat-App project, initiated and funded by Concawe, aims to provide a cost-effective integrative approach solving the similarity challenges of complex substances and (petroleum) UVCBs. The concept is to develop a framework based on chemical-biological read-across, a novel direction in regulatory decision making regarding hazard- and risk assessment. The approach is to integrate innovations in (i) in vitro testing, (ii) high-throughput genomics and (iii) integrative data analyses and visualisation into a transparent workflow for read-across assessment of UVCBs in regulatory programmes – thereby significantly reducing the need for testing in animals.

Cat-App Stakeholder workshop was held in Antwerp, Belgium on March 22, 2017.

To get more information about the programme of this workshop please click here.

Stakeholder workshop presentations: