Assessing the aquatic toxicity of petroleum products: comparison of PETROTOX calculations and SPME-GC screening
Report No. 3/16: Using detailed two-dimensional chromatography (GCxGC) analysis of a set of petroleum product samples of Gas Oils, Residual Aromatic Extracts (RAE) and Bitumen categories, PETROTOX predictions have provided information to support revised category...
Analysis of N-, O-, and S- heterocyclics in petroleum products using GCxGC with specific detection
Report no. 2/16: REACH dossiers on all p etroleum productcategories were compiled and submitted by Concawe in 2010. ECHA subsequently raised co ncerns regarding the tech nical justification of the assumptions and too ls use d to generate the cu rrent PNECs for...
Evaluation of Whole Effluent Bioassays for Assessment of Hydrocarbon Ecotoxicity – Phase III Stream Study
Report no. 7/15: Toxicity predictions based on laboratory- based Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) tests have been assessed by dosing outdoor stream mesocosms with unmodified and fortified refinery effluents. The tests performed allowed the process effluents to be...