To mitigate air pollution, source apportionment is a key element for the design of effective measures. However, source apportionment often involves complex model chains only accessible to expert users. In this paper we present a new web application, the Concawe NO,...
The phospholipid membrane−water partition coefficients (KMW) and equilibrium binding affinities for human serum albumin (HSA) of 60 structurally diverse perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) were evaluated through laboratory measurements and modeling to...
This report presents the results of the initial phase of the project and is the culmination of a workshop held by Concawe in April 2024 and subsequent inputs from Concawe members and the CL:AIRE/ERM team. The primary objective of the project was to develop a shortlist...
Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) can have a significant impact on atmospheric composition, impacting both air quality and climate. This review provides a comprehensive examination of BVOC emissions including their measurement techniques, modelling...
Report no. 12/24: This report presents a review of end-of-life equipment and components containing PFAS, in particular fluoropolymers, used in refinery and fuel distribution facilities. The project involved a literature review of fluoropolymers types, their physical...