25 May 2021

Additional worker inhalation exposure measurements of heavy fuel oil emissions during barge/truck loading

Report no. 2/20: The report details the outcome of a follow-up project of a study initiated by Concawe in 2013, investigating the occupational exposure to emissions from hot Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) (inhalation exposure to aerosols and vapours) during inland barge loading (Concawe rpt. 1/15R).

In the current follow-up project, the objective was to increase the number of measurements for a better representativeness of the exposure assessment used in the Chemical Safety Assessment in the HFO REACH registration dossier. This issue was identified following a comparison of measured exposure data and modelled estimates, as documented in Concawe rpt. 13/18. Measured data collected in the present study were used to refine the Concawe REACH Chemical Safety Assessment for substances in the HFO category.

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