15 Jul 2022

A review of toxicity testing conducted on European refinery effluents in 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019

Report no. 13/22: This report provides an assessment of the extent to which toxicity testing is carried on European refinery effluents, and the types of tests being used. The analysis is based on responses given to Concawe water use and effluent quality surveys completed for the 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019 reporting years.

The overall response rate of toxicity data has remained similar (~37%) over the period despite a general decrease in both the number of operational refineries and the number of responses to the surveys. Toxicity testing was predominantly carried out to fulfil permit requirements, or due to regulatory demand. Voluntary monitoring continues to be performed on an annual basis across many country groups. The most frequently reported toxicity tests across the four survey years were Daphnia magna and vibrio fischeri/Microtox.

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