18 Feb 2021 - 18 Feb 2021

10th High Level Refining Forum

The 10th High Level Refining Forum will take place online on Thursday 18 of February 2021.

This year’s event will discuss key developments and policy initiatives relevant to the evolution of the EU refining industry in the framework of the energy and climate transition. It will focus in particular on the European Green Deal and its implications for industry, recovery, and the role of the renewable and low-carbon liquid fuels on the way towards climate-neutrality.

Concawe will be represented by Marta Yugo, Science Executive for Economics and Modelling. As part of the “Fuels for climate neutrality – the renewable and low carbon fuel value chain (Focus on the 2030 targets and 2050 outlook)” session, our expert will explain “The refining industry strategy in the EU: Clean fuels for all”.

The Refining Forum will be opened by Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy, European Commission. The programme will also include interventions by representatives from the industry, Member States, officials from the European Commission and a Member of the European Parliament.

Find more information here.